Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Big Wall Playing Gigs at Seattle

It's really hard to win against Rock Seattle's SWAT Team (Seattle), with my current level band. So I think, it's time to leveling up and find some money. Go back to San Francisco, and find some nice gigs who wil give you nice instrument.

Alright, now we need to find high price instrument. This is the list instrument that we can get form San Francisco gigs (click the link to go to the Rock Legends market):
  1. Off-Brand Digital Keyboard $998
  2. Squiggly Flower Mic $999
  3. Guitar Jordan $4,300
  4. Black Fraction Bass $4,300  

Now we know what gigs that will give us some nice money. You can use the money to hire new musicians or buy a new instrument. Ok, let's try it first...

later on...

Yay! I've got first item to sell at the market. Now, go to your inventory. And click sell on Black Fraction Bass (do not click the pawn link).

You can see the market now. If you want to sell fast, just lower your price. See your level item to sell them with the right price.

Don't see Recent Sales when selling item, just see Current Items. And please remember one thing. You can have one unique item in your bag, so sell it fast to get another one item from the gigs.

When you have nice instrument and stronger band, you can fight back Rock Seattle's SWAT Team, and step forward to the next gigs.


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